Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010

LA Koreatown

LA Koreatown

Among the many ethnic enclaves which enrich California,
perhaps the most vitally linked to the existing fabric of the
city is the city-within-a-city known as Koreatown.
It is unique not only for the economic vitality which
pervades its more than X square miles, but for the
incremental manner in which shops..etc have established
roots in neighborhoods which had previously been in
decline or simply incoherent. Yet, in spite of the rapid
upgrading of the community, there have been few if any
institutional developments to complement the burgeoning
urban activity. Korean culture is famously diverse, reflecting
both the historical origins of the nation itself, its spectular
adoption of modern methods and customs, and an
aesthetically limber mind set which seizes upon and exploits
what might seem contradictory, processes its constituent parts,
and establishes an often startling new paradigm.It is time, then,
for Koreatown to seize the moment and create a regional cultural
destination which can serve not only as a centerpiece for the
community, but as a new urban focus for Los Angeles.

w/ Raffael Petrovic
UCLA Winterterm 09

1 Kommentar:

  1. hello I would like to know if it's possible the name of the project and the name of the architect
    thank you
